Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cutting the hands is not amputation in Islamic Hudud as shown in Surah Yusof.


Although the Quran mention cutting the hands of the thieves there is clear evidence that God did not decree the amputation of the hands as most people have presumed. The example of punishments of the thief in the Quran is shown by the verses as stated below:

Cutting the hands for stealing

As for the thief, male or female cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example, from God, for their crime: and God is exalted in power. But if the thief is repentant after his crime and made amends his conduct, God turn to him in forgiveness: for God is Oft Forgiving, Most merciful.

(Surah 5:38-39)

In the Surah 5:39 it is stated when the thief committed a theft and he repented after his crime and amends his conduct, God said that he is to be forgiven and no action is to be taken against him. But subsequently if he repeats the crime then cut off his or her hands as exemplary punishment. The Arabic cutting the hands does not means cutting to amputate or to disable or to make handicap to the hands but the cutting of the hands is only to inflict wound for own consciousness. The example is shown when the ladies cut their hands while excited watching Joseph parade in front of them as shown in the following verses:

When she heard of their malicious talk, she sent for them and prepared a banquet for them: she gave each of them a knife: and she said (to Joseph), "Come out before them." When they saw him, they did extol him, and (in their amazement) cut their hands: they said, "Allah preserves us! No mortal is this! This is none other than a noble angel!" (Surah 12:31)

Here the Arabic word is the same as in Surah 5:38 of cutting the hands of the thief and if taking the meaning as shown in the above incident then the ladies did not amputated their hands but unwittingly inflict wound on themselves.

There is therefore a correlation in cutting the hands of the thief as the above incident shown it is not to disable their hands but inflict wound so that he or she is made consciousness of their wrong doings. Apart from cutting the hand to inflict consciousness on the thieves there is also the jail sentences that can be imposed on the thief.

Imprisonment for stealing valuables

In the Quran there is also the jail sentence or confinement as a punishment of the thief the following verses is referred:

(The brothers) said: "By Allah! Well ye know that we came not to make mischief in the land, and we are no thieves!" (The Egyptians) said: "What then shall be the penalty of this, if ye are (proved) to have lied?" They said: "The penalty should be that he in whose saddle-bag it is found should be held (as bondman) to atone for the (crime). Thus it is we punish the wrong-doers!" (Surah 12:73-75)

As shown in the above the duration of detention for the thief can be measured to the valuable he stole, the more expensive the valuable the longer is he to atone for his crime.

Thus the Islamic Hudud in the Quran never concede the amputation of the hands to punish the thief but to inflict wound that the thief is to be conscious of his crime and apart from that there is the jail sentence to commensurate to the seriousness of the crime, and this can be done with justice.

Nevertheless those who try to practise cutting the hands without referring to the Quran will find that they cannot do justice as they will amputate all thieves without relevant to what they stole.

The Quran says

Allah doth command you to render back your Trusts to those to whom they are due; And when ye judge between man and man, that ye judge with justice: Verily how excellent is the teaching which He giveth you! For Allah is He Who heareth and seeth all things. (Surah 4:58)




Saturday, April 26, 2014

There is no death penalty in Islamic Hudud neither in fornication nor apostasy


The following verses in the Quran determined that the Prophet of Islam never practice the death penalty by stoning to death on those who commit fornication or impose killing on the apostates. This is clearly confirmed in the Quran by the Prophet who obeyed the command of Allah.

In the Law of Equality there is (saving of) Life to you, o ye men of understanding; that ye may restrain yourselves. (Surah 2:179)

Stoning to death the adulterer

For the slaves who were married who committed fornication, the Hudud punishment is half of the penalty imposed on free women this is as stated:

If any of you have not the means wherewith to wed free believing women, they may wed believing girls from among those whom your right hands possess: And Allah hath full knowledge about your faith. Ye are one from another: Wed them with the leave of their owners, and give them their dowers, according to what is reasonable: They should be chaste, not lustful, nor taking paramours: when they are taken in wedlock, if they fall into shame, their punishment is half that for free women. (Surah 4:25)

The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment. (Surah 24:2)

If the punishment of stoning is until death then it is an impossibility to implement a punishment of stoning until half death on the Surah 4:25. Does half the number of stones will result in half death? This is the ridiculous part that stoning is not from God and that the command is not a death penalty but a  hundred lashes for married women or fifty lashes for the slaves. Besides that the throwing of stones is not Islamic but the religious belief of the nonbeliever. Muslims were never commanded by God to stone anybody. Below are their examples all done by wicked people as shown in the Quran:

Shuaid in Surah 11:91 “Were it not for thy family, we should certainly have stoned thee! For thou hast among us no great position!" Only the unbelievers will throw stones as in Surah 18:20 "For if they should come upon you, they would stone you or force you to return to their cult, and in that case ye would never attain prosperity." And the same example is shown by Abraham’s father as stated in Surah 19:46 "Dost thou hate my gods, O Abraham? If thou forbear not, I will indeed stone thee: Now get away from me for a good long while!"

Death penalty by killing the apostates

Surah 2:256 Let there be no compulsion: truth stands out clear from error. The Prophet of Islam never punished anybody to death because of their belief. In fact he abided what he has been directed by God on no compulsion and freedom of belief by the following verse of the Quran:

If it had been thy Lord's will, they would all have believed- all who are on earth! Wilt thou (O Muhammad) then compel mankind, against their will, to believe! (Surah 10:99)

And lower thy wing to the Believers who follow thee. Then if they disobey thee, say: "I am free (of responsibility) for what ye do!" (Surah 26:215-216)

Those who impose punishment on apostates and practice compulsion in their religion are not Muslims but they follow these kinds of people as mentioned in the Quran:

Said Pharaoh: "Believe ye in Him before I give you permission? Surely this is a trick which ye have planned in the city to drive out its people: but soon shall ye know (the consequences). "Be sure I will cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, and I will cause you all to die on the cross."

(Surah 7:123-124)

But none believed in Moses except some children of his people, because of the fear of Pharaoh and his chiefs, lest they should persecute them; and certainly Pharaoh was mighty on the earth and one who transgressed all bounds. (Surah 10:83)

The leaders, the arrogant party among his people, said: "O Shu'aib! We shall certainly drive thee out of our city - (thee) and those who believe with thee; or else ye (thou and they) shall have to return to our ways and religion." He said: "What! Even though we do detest (them)?

Prophet Muhammad practice freedom of religion as he obeyed God and he did not take matters into his own hand he leave to God to punish the apostates:

Say: "The truth is from your Lord": Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject (it): for the wrong-doers We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and flames), like the walls and roof of a tent, will hem them in: if they implore relief they will be granted water like melted brass, that will scald their faces, how dreadful the drink! How uncomfortable a couch to recline on! (Surah 18:29)

And if any of you turn back from their faith (become apostate) and die in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be companions of the Fire and will abide therein. (Surah 2:217)

Those who believe, then reject faith, then believe (again) and (again) reject faith, and go on increasing in unbelief, Allah will not forgive them nor guide them nor guide them on the way. To the Hypocrites give the glad tidings that there is for them (but) a grievous penalty. (Surah 4:137-138)

